12. Spain

Last minute entry? Here we go! 

A magical chain reaction for joining all of us... ❤️ Thank you for the chance of being part of this!

Best wishes from Lanzarote!


  1. Yes, this was really a magical chain reaction! You have obviously used the entire school area, and most of the inventory, to create this amazing chain! Very fun to watch the result of your great work! I can imagine the fun you had making it! Good work! Good luck in the competition!

  2. nicely made but a lot of dominoes

  3. wow what a nice chain reaction, very original conceived but there was quite a lot of domino. But otherwise also great to watch.

  4. i like this chain reaction, but too many domino's :-)

  5. kamiel peeters belgiëJanuary 28, 2021 at 9:18 AM

    this chain was fun to watch and had some cool parts like whith the lego mind storm but i think there was a bit to much domino

  6. We like your chain, very long and creative!

    Good luck

  7. Man patīk jūsu ķēde ļoti gara un interesanta. /EMĪLIJA

  8. Jūsu ķēde ir ļoti laba /Emīlija

  9. Man patika jusu ķede jo tā bija radoša.


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