Chain reaction - Corona style

Making a chain reaction - Corona style 

Making an "ordinary" chain reaction can prove difficult and more challenging than before. Due to the regulations at the different schools, different actions has to be taken. It can be impossible to make a physical chain in the classroom. 

Some years ago my class made this "Human Chain Reaction". If the students were more apart, this could have worked also now in Corona times:

Last year we also had a Human Chain Reaction that was very Corona friendly... It is possible to make a human chain reaction without sharing the same material or have any kind of physical contact between the students.

IF the regulations at your school makes it difficult to let your students make a physical chain reaction, you can make a chain reaction that excists only on video.

This is how it works: 

The class agree on a cocept for their chain. The chain consists of many parts. A small group of students make their little part and film it. If neccessary they can make it at home. Then the teacher puts it all together. Then we don't have a chain in real life, only on video. One of the challenges will be how to make the transition from one part to the next, so it will look like one chain. 

Some years ago we made a chain reaction  in our Erasmus+ project. Here we had parts from seven countries. In our chain it was a green ball that was the link between the different parts. 

This is how we said "Hello" to each other in our own language:

All the countries made their chain reaction. The chains were linked together using the green ball. We used the Norwegian entry for "The European Chain Reaction" as a base for the whole chain. The chains from the other countries were edited into the main chain. Our chain was a prt of our Erasmus+ project "Full STEAM ahead for better education", where the aim was to make STEM education in new and different ways. 

Use your imagination and find creative ways to make your chain reaction. This is of course an emegency solution. We hope we all can make the chains in real life! 

All the best of luck to you all!



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